Monday, August 25, 2008

Three Women say it was they that found the Monster.

Later in the day, the three women who said they'd come across the purplish flotsam a few weeks ago showed off a second snapshot of it on a digital camera.

"It exists," Rachel Goldberg, Courtney Fruin and Jenna Hewitt asserted on local cable channel Plum TV, denying suspicions that they'd Photoshopped a picture of a dead dog.

But pressed by interviewer Nick Leighton about where the animal was now, the semi-glamorous trio suddenly got cagey.

"It decomposed in our friend's back yard," said Goldberg. "It's been since removed ... by friends of ours."

"You're a little shady with the details," observed Leighton. "You planning to write a book about this?"

Goldberg only shrugged and nodded with a faint smile.

"We're hoping to have scientists contact us to find out what it is," she conceded. "It's in a box."

To complicate matters, Alanna Nevitski, who e-mailed the original photo that started the whole brouhaha, told New York magazine the three women were "full of" what dogs and raccoons produce a lot of, and that they had nothing to do with the picture.

The trio's elusive friend apparently popped up on one of FOX News Channel's rivals, where reporter Jeanne Moos played a video she'd gotten from a young surfer-dude type who said the carnivorous corpse was in his back yard.

This was according to Fox News. Source Fox News.

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